Humble K
on April 5, 2024
Some relationships are worth Walking away than pushing it to work, u get more hurt when you do that. IF THEY WANT U, THEY WILL MAKE THE EFFORT TO SHOW IT.
You will never convince a man to love U. Let it be a man who answers when you call and texts back within minutes rather than days. Let it be a man who gives you clear answers and doesn't leave you wondering where you stand. It has to be a man who wants to make you a part of his life rather than a chapter in his book. If you're always struggling with thoughts of the man who loves you, sit down and be realistic with urself.
A man who wants you doesn't take years and years to figure out what he wants from you. Find a man who respects, celebrates, and encourages ur individuality, ur education, your spirituality, and ur growth. It is never asking too much from a man to be considered a priority. Have a man who is genuinely interested in you and pursues you daily. A man in love will never let you go to sleep at night wondering if u still matter.
Let it be a man who protects u and stands up for you even when you're not around. A man who values u and who would never put themselves in a position to lose you.A man who would rather go hungry to see you eat, a man who will deny himself to satisfy you. Let it be a man who wakes up every day looking for new ways to love you. Have a man who understands it's not about giving u the world but making u feel like you're the only one in it.
"It's in marriage that God said Man is the head over the woman not in success, so don't allow religious ignorance makes you a BROKE WOMAN, make money and aim for the top. A busy and hard-working illiterate is far better than an idle Graduate. Build yourself!! The inability for a man not to see ur
value in his life is not and has never been ur problem.
The mistake some ladies make is thinking that is just the responsibility of a man to makemoney! That's why many ladies lost themselves pleading for a man
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Love (1)